When traveling, students should:
  • Book personal travel so as not to interfere with classes or class trips; travel is never a legitimate excuse for missing class.
  • Always travel with their passport; passports are required throughout Europe for identification purposes and to check in to hotels and hostels.
  • Inform the staff and host family of their travels; students who miss their planned means of return to Rome should find a way to contact the Catholic University Rome staff (text message, email) with their new plans.
  • Limit their travel to Europe; destinations like north Africa may seem exciting, but bring many dangers. Avoid all political hotspots. Check the U.S. Department of State for travel advisories.
  • Not utilize tour packages; one of the great values of a semester abroad is learning to make one's own travel plans; under no circumstances should student travel tours like Bus-to-Alps or other tour packages be used.
  • Be extra-cautious when traveling; all the resources that the staff can offer in Rome are beyond reach once outside Rome; if anything happens while traveling, students should find a way to let the Catholic University Rome staff know.