All courses are 3 credits, with the exception of ITAL 197.

CLAS 318R / CLAS 518R Art & Architecture of Ancient Rome
Fulfills the Explorations in Fine Arts requirement.
This course offers students an introduction to Roman art that is topographic, architectural, and historical in nature. In our study of Rome, we focus on developments in architecture, painting, sculpture, and urban growth in the city. While our survey is limited to antiquity, it is understood that Rome’s modern urban fabric is profoundly affected by the events of the ancient period, so this course also intends to facilitate your understanding of the modern city.
Instructor: Crispin Corrado

ENG 378 Italy in American and British Literature
Fulfills the Explorations in Literature requirement.
The course brings students closer to the study of literature through reading major works by American and British writers. The journey to Italy is at the center of the novels and poems that are analyzed during the course. On the one hand we will concentrate on the discovery and transformation of the characters as narrated through their encounters with a different culture and social context. On the other, we will investigate changes in the attitudes and perspectives of the authors themselves due to their own journeys to Italy. We will begin with the reading of poetry from the 19th century, followed by the reading of four complete novels by three well known American and British writers: Henry James, Tennessee Williams and Edward Morgan Forster.
Instructor: Milena Locatelli

ENT 391R Entrepreneurship in the Catholic Tradition
An analysis of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship emphasizing intertwined aspects of value creation, entrepreneurial spirit, and application in the Church context. Topics include: the fundamentals of entrepreneurship in the Catholic tradition, private initiative in the social teaching of the Church, the revolution of Centesimus Annus, the place of entrepreneurship in Church operations, the role of venture capital, and entrepreneurship as a driving force behind societal changes.
Instructor: Alexia Massacand

DR 202 Renaissance Italy on the English Stage: 1589-1680
Fulfills the Explorations in Fine Arts requirement.
A survey of the most important dramatic literature staged in England between 1589 and 1680 that depicts Italy, its history, culture, religious practices, and inhabitants through an evolving Anglo and Protestant perspective. The course examines how playwrights in the Protestant kingdom represented Italy during a period in which different Popes opposed the English Reformation.
Instructor: Patrick Tuite

DR 305/ENG 305 Culture and Performance in Counter-Reformation Rome
Fulfills the Explorations in Fine Arts or the Explorations in Literature requirement.
This seminar examines how religious processions, public pageants, and theatrical performances popularized innovations in philosophy, science, and theology in Baroque Rome. Students will read selections from the most important philosophers and religious thinkers from the period and study plays and performance traditions that were developed in response to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. Finally, the students will examine firsthand how Rome’s Baroque piazzas, palaces, and churches were carefully designed to serve as dramatic backdrops for religious rituals and public performances that celebrated Counter-Reformation thought.
Instructor: Patrick Tuite

UGS 495 Internship Course
A dynamic education course designed to maximize student’s internship experience. Student works as an intern (part-time, with or without pay) with a local firm or government agency gaining on-the-job experience in a field related to the student's academic pursuit of business. Performance is evaluated on the basis of periodic reports, assigned reflections, and design/implementation of a term project and presentation – the subject matter of which is pre-approved by the instructor.
Instructor: Alexia Massacand

PHIL 310 Philosophy of Art
Fulfills the Philosophy Area I requirement.
Philosophical treatment of a range of art forms that focuses on the nature of creativity, beauty, and representation. Major arts are compared and contrasted.
Instructor: Michael Severance

POL 478 Politics of Global Environmental Problems
An introduction to the politics of global environmental problems, with special emphasis on climate change. The three dimensions of global environmental problems are addressed (science, economy and policy) and connected to relevant topics such as: success and failure of international cooperation, the role of state and non-state actors (business, NGOs) and of international institutions (e.g. UN, World Bank), biodiversity loss, and deforestation. The course is interdisciplinary and taught in a non-technical style.
Instructor: Alexia Massacand

TRS 202B The Church and the Human Person

Fulfills the Theology Elective requirement.
This course introduces students to the nature of the Church and the Human person through the examination of scriptural, historical, and contemporary treatments of the questions. The course will explore the images used in Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium to express the nature of the Church (People of God, Body of Christ, Temple of the Spirit, etc.) and her origin, structure and mission; the four properties or "notes" of the Church and Christ, her head, reflects on Christian Anthropology in the light of the modern and contemporary context. Here, everything from the nature of man to Catholic Social Doctrine in the economic sphere of our contemporary world will be considered. 
Instructor: Father Francesco Giordano 

TRS 333 Biomedical and Health Care Ethics for Nursing
Examines biomedical and health care ethics in a Catholic theological perspective. Select beginning of life and end of life issues and such issues as the identity of Catholic health care facilities, healthcare laws, and the ethics of research are considered in light of fundamental Christian convictions regarding the dignity of the human person, health and sickness, suffering, death, the purpose of medicine, and the practices of healthcare providers. Designed for nursing students and in light of the mission of the School of Nursing, it aims to provide students with opportunities to explore the impact of ethical issues on their personal and professional lives. Emphasis is placed on developing written and spoken skills in reflective moral thinking. Enrollment to Nursing students and when possible, pre-med students; departmental approval required.
Instructor: Father Francesco Giordano

TRS 345 Liturgical Art & Architecture
Fulfills the Theology Elective requirement.
This course leads students in examining the art and architecture of Christian churches. Salient primary texts regarding worship and the arts are studied in conjunction with various monuments. Using a historical approach, students will come to an understanding of the various theologies expressed in the matrix of Christian liturgical art, architecture, music and worship spaces from the early Church to the present. The course will incorporate churches throughout Rome in its study of the ways that human beings construct meaning in their places of worship and how images, sculpture, architecture and music are a theological reflection upon faith.
Instructor: Flavia De Nicola

NURS 257 Nutrition and Health
Focuses on nutrition and the physiological, social, economic, and lifestyle factors that influence nutrition throughout the developmental life span.
Instructor: Rebecca Robert

NURS 371 Pathophysiology
Pathophysiology introduces the pre-clinical nursing student to human disease states and their clinical management. It is designed to assist students in applying knowledge from human anatomy and physiology to the study of adaptive and maladaptive responses to alterations in health. Requires four clock hours of class per week, plus one hour of peer-led discussion. Offered first semester. Open to students in other schools with permission of instructor.
Instructor: Rebecca Robert

PSY 226 Close Interpersonal Relationships
Fulfills the Foundation in Social Science requirement.
In this course, students will examine how we come together and get along in adult intimate relationships. Topics such as attraction, friendships and intimacy, love, relationship stresses and strains, communication, conflict, loneliness, divorce, and maintaining and repairing relationships will be explored. No prerequisites.
Instructor: Marcie Goeke-Morey

PSY 227 Parenting
Students will investigate the psychological dynamics involved in parent-child relationships across the lifespan. Contemporary family issues will be explored, such as daycare, fertility, domestic violence and child abuse, parenting in a world of social media, single parenting, divorce, gay parenting, working/stay home parenting, adoption and foster parenting, parenting children with special needs, helicopter parents and boomerang children, and caring for aging parents, among others. No prerequisites.
Instructor: Marcie Goeke-Morey


Italian Language Classes 

All students must take one Italian language class. 

ITAL 101 Elementary Italian I
Designed for students with little or no prior experience with Italian. Introduction to the basic principles of language necessary for written and oral communication.

ITAL 102 Elementary Italian II

This is a dynamic language course that emphasizes communication to enable students to interact in Italian at an elementary level. Students use fundamental principles of vocabulary and grammar structures to talk about daily life and gain insights into aspects of Italian culture through simple readings of authentic materials, movie-based activities, and every-day conversation with their native speaker instructors.

ITAL 104 Intermediate Italian II

Italian 104 is a communicative language course aimed to develop oral and written proficiency at the Intermediate level. Students achieve cross-cultural understanding by reading and discussing a wide selection of texts and multimedia materials. Grammar review and vocabulary expansion are also provided to promote progress in the four area skills of Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.

ITAL 197 Basic Conversational Italian
An intensive Italian language course for beginners, designed to meet the needs of students requiring short term language study. Students will achieve the basic language skills and cultural competence necessary to successfully communicate in every-day situations.
**One credit. No previous Italian language knowledge is required.