Crispin Corrado, Ph.D. Headshot


  • Rome Center
  • School

  • School of Arts and Sciences
  • Expertise

  • Roman Domestic Architecture
  • Roman Funerary Architecture
  • Roman Wall Painting
  • Roman Sculpture and Objects
  • Crispin Corrado is a classical archaeologist specializing in Roman art, who received her Ph.D. at Brown University, and an M.A. in Art History and B.A. in Classics from the University of Chicago. She has fieldwork experience at Pompeii, and has worked in a curatorial capacity in the departments of ancient art at the Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Museum of Art at the Rhode Island School of Design, and the Vatican Museums. While working at these institutions, she assisted in the creation and implementation of exhibitions of ancient art, co-authored catalogs, wrote articles and presented guest lectures. Her major research interests include Roman wall painting, sculpture, and domestic architecture, and her publications include an article on Roman wall painting published in the Rivista di Studi Pompeiani, and a 2013 monograph on the commemorative funerary practices of the Romans during the imperial period, entitled Merry and Jovial: Reconsidering the Effigies Immortalis and the Commemoration of Roman Boys. Her current book projects include a student-oriented guide to the ancient city of Rome, and a monograph on Roman imperial villas. She currently teaches courses related to ancient Rome at several study abroad institutions in Rome, and serves as the Academic Director for the Association for Research into Crimes Against Art, the international organization dedicated to issues related to the loss and destruction of art and cultural artifacts. She is also the founder and an acting officer of the Rome Society of the Archaeological Institute of America.


    • Merry and Jovial

      Merry and Jovial

      Merry and Jovial: Reconsidering the Effigies Immortalis and the Commemoration of Roman Boys. Oxford Archaeopress/ British Archaeological Reports, 2013.

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    • Rethinking the Romans

      Rethinking the Romans

      Rethinking the Romans: New Views of Ancient Sculpture. Exhibition Notes, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, 2001. Co-author. 


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    • The Classical Collection of the David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago

      The Classical Collection of the David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago. Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago, 1999. Co-author. 

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    • Studying Ancient Rome

      Current Book Project (under contract with the University of California Press): Studying Ancient Rome: A Guide to the City and Its Inhabitants, an academic companion to the ancient city. Co-author.

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